Hello! I'm Hongke
I graduated from NYU Game Center, and currently work as a Technical Designer & Executive Producer.
I'm professional in both game design and game marketing.
A Showcase of My Professional Contributions
While Waiting
Februrary 2025
Role: Technical Designer & Executive Producer
This is a transformative adventure exploring the art of waiting. Clear the game by doing nothing, but discover the power of acceptance and patience in numerous situations from birth to death. Learn to embrace life as you wait.
Thought Experiment Simulator
July 2024
Role: Solo Developer & Producer
This is a stupid game that might include Trolley Problem, Ship of Theseus, Brain in a Vat, Infinite Monkey, Sisyphus, Prisoner's Dilemma, Schrodinger's Cat, etc.
A Collection of My Interviews and Coverages
English Media
[Thought Experiment Simulator] Solve Timeless Philosophical Problems in This Unusual Simulator - 80LV
Chinese Media
[Thought Experiment Simulator] 搞哲学的第一步,打开Steam - 新周刊
("First Step Towards Philosophy: Open Steam" - New Weekly)
[Thought Experiment Simulator] “电车难题”被国人做成搞怪游戏,在外网火了 - TapTap
("The Trolley Problem Was Made into a Funny Game and Became Viral on the Internet" - TapTap)
Japanese Media
[While Waiting] あなたは,待ち時間に何かしても,しなくてもいい。人生の過ごしかたを「While Waiting」の試遊で考える - 4Gamer
(You can do or not do anything while you wait. Think about how you spend your life by playing "While Waiting" - 4Gamer)
[While Waiting] 最短クリアの鍵は“何もしない”。「待つ」ことの意味を問うコミカルで哲学的なゲーム『While Waiting』 - GameMakers
(Doing nothing is the fastest way to clear this game. 'While Waiting' is a comical game that questions the meaning of "waiting." - GameMakers)
[Thought Experiment Simulator] クリティカルな哲学問題や定論で遊ぶ「思考実験シミュレーター」。- 4Gamer
("A 'thought experiment simulator' that lets you play with critical philosophical problems and theories." - 4Gamer)
Thai Media
[Thought Experiment Simulator] รถไฟมาจะสับรางไปทางไหนดี? ชวนเล่น "Thought Experiment Simulator" เกมปรัชญาที่เกิดมาเพื่อท้าทายความคิดเรา
(Which way should the train go when it arrives? Come play 'Thought Experiment Simulator', a philosophy game born to challenge our thinking.)
Other Projects
A List of My Personal Video Games
The Raindrop: A Vocal Odyssey
(Under Development)
Role: Game Designer and Lead Programmer
The Raindrop is an audio-input-only game made by a group of three. Players need to speak certain spells to move a raindrop around and change it between states of matter (water, ice, vapor) to get through the level.
EON: Reset
(Under Development)
Role: Director and Level Designer
Eon Reset is a Metroidvania game; I work as the director and level designer. The game settles in a sci-fi world and implements a unique combat mechanic. We currently finished the playthrough of the prologue.
Afterlife Teahouse
(May 2022)
Role: Programmer
Afterlife Teahouse is a tea-making game set in a teahouse between life and death, with a relatively light and relaxing narrative. As a programmer in the team, I implemented the system framework along with its gameplay mechanics to make it a publishable game.
Tales of Huaxia
(December 2021)
Role: Level Designer and Programmer
Tales of Huaxia is a 2D puzzle mobile game made by a group of 11 college students for an online game design camp of Tencent, targeting the Android platform. I designed and developed its two levels and the boss. The game won a silver award at the final critique.
(December 2021)
Solo Project
Zen is a 3D level design practice using Unreal Engine 4. I created a blockmesh, adjusted the lighting, painted the landscape with different materials, and assembled various meshes from the Internet together with my own aesthetics.
(December 2021)
Role: Game Designer and Lead Programmer
EatKraken is a kitchen simulator developed by a team of three. The character being played is a octopus that cuts its body parts to make sushi, so players have to balance between making more money and maintaining health.
Last One
(May 2021)
Role: Level Designer
Last One is a first-person 3D game in a psychological horror mood for a class called Level Design Studio in Spring 2021. I worked solo on the blockmesh for the first half of the semester and collaborated with another student in the class to add aesthetics for the second half. The project received an A.
(February 2021)
Role: Director and Lead Programmer
Insomnia is a 2D platformer by a team of seven for Global Game Jam 2021. As the director and developer, I led the team to work efficiently in a remote circumstance. The game was eventually nominated as one of the four best games among 36 teams at GGJ's NYU site.
Last Celeste Knight
(December 2020)
Role: Lead Programmer
Last Celeste Knight is a final project by a group of four in Fall 2020. The calss required us to clone an existing video game, and we picked Hollow Knight. As one of the two developers, I replicated all the platforming mechanics from the original game and the boss, Radiance, on my own. The project received an A.
(May 2020)
Solo Project
Azure is the final project of my college freshman year, a 2D platformer. Besides the background music and the logo, I worked completely solo on this. The project received an A, and I uploaded it onto Steam as a free game. It now has sold 11000 copies and received a "very positive" rate.
Design Docs
A Collection of My Game Concepts
Be With You
A Pre-Production document of an original mobile idle game concept
Be With You (Prototype Spec)
An instruction for making a digital prototype of Be With You
Rhythm Road
A practice about designing a game for Tesla Arcade
The Last Daoshi
A proposal for an open world action adventure game based on Daoism.
A game concept of the 1922 film Nosferatu, adapting it to a narrative puzzle game.